Friday 31 August 2012

From the Innsmouth Observer, August 31

Rep. Senator Legitimate Jermyn
launches Marital Counseling Center

The Innsmouth Marital Counseling Center, on Yellowgill Road, opened its doors to couples from the community. Established by the City Fathers and the Elders Committee of the Obed Marsh Memorial Swimming Club with the goal of reversing the decline in family values, the institution is expected to serve the community of Innsmouth and to attract couples from as far afield as Dunwich.
Speaking at the opening, Senator Legitimate Jermyn said, "In the past 60 years I have witnessed a terrible decline in family values. It can be addressed, nay, will be addressed, by the 'Three Rs': reeducation, reinforcement and religion. We believe that only once the effect of these 'Three Rs' are fully understood by families, can Innsmouth contribute to the values of our great nation."

"Our spawn children need healthy, stable environments in which to grow. Only when they are exposed to the examples set by our forefathers, can they thrive and metamorphose to become the wonderful beings that they were meant to be. Once they have achieved their maturity and full potential, we are confident that they will bring about the revelatory contributions to this great nation that are foretold for them," he said.

A marital counsellor explains to a troubled couple how to reconcile
and come to terms with their responsibilities to their family.

"This Marital Counselling Center will contribute immeasurably by providing a learning environment for couples, and will help to reinforce the gender roles expected in healthy families."

He concluded by thanking the City Fathers and the Elders Committee of the Obed Marsh Memorial Swimming Club for their foresight in establishing the center. He also commended the Church of Dagon for providing counseling materials and for their efforts in recruiting and training marital counselors.

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